
Friday, January 9, 2009

A Lovely and Pleasant Sight

One of the great laments during our day is the lack of godliness in young people - especially those in our churches. The problem isn't new. In the same book I mentioned yesterday, Jonathan Edwards earnestly entreats teens to think more seriously about God, and points out how beautiful it really is when they dedicate their lives to Him. Here's an exerpt from chapter 11:
'Tis a peculiarly lovely and pleasant sight to behold young people walking in the ways of virtue and piety.

It is a pleasant sight upon two accounts:

First, there is a peculiar decency in it. It is most suitable that young men should begin their lives with God dedicate the first of their time to Him. Youth is the flower of life and, on many accounts, the best part of it. And it is peculiarly becoming that this time should be devoted to God. When persons begin their lives with God, hereby the whole life is given to Him.

Second, it is a pleasing sight on account of the pleasing prospect it gives, of the benefit of it, and of the good fruits and consequences that it tends to bring. This is true inasmuch as it tends to prevent a great deal of sin; it gives a prospect of more eminent holiness. And persons, thereby being much more useful and beneficial in human society, are prepared to live in the world as members of society when they are fit before they enter on the stage, being more eminent in piety.

Are you "walking in the ways of virtue and piety"?


  1. This is on a totally different subject than your blog post, I warn you. Do you like Bleak House? I read it a couple years ago and didn't like it at all. Great Expectations is much better. By the way, your post is very thought-provoking, which I assume it was intended to be. It is a good thing to think about. Something else too. Do you want to read my blog? It has some religious/political/family posts, and lots of stuff. I commented on Lady Jane Grey, but in case you didn't read that yet, I am Savannah Liston from Grace Reformed in Rockford. Elizabeth Meena sent me the link to your blog...I am glad she did. Fantastic blog!

  2. Hi Savannah-

    Long time no see! So far I like Bleak House, but "so far" is only about 80 pages into it. I read Great Expectations last year - personally, if it weren't for Mr. Wemmick and his "Aged P" I think it would have been to depressing for me...but that's just me. Those parts at the "Castle" were the greatest! :-)

    I think everything Jonathan Edwards wrote is thought provoking, don't you? Those resolutions he wrote are so convicting!

    I'd love to read your blog! It sounds really interesting. Could you send me the URL?
