
Thursday, January 1, 2009

So this is what having a blog is like.....

After desperately scanning other blogs, digging through their archives to study their first posts, I find myself still stuck in front of the blank white space on my computer waiting to be filled with words. I'm not even going to try to be clever........if I did, well, I'd be sitting here for a long time. So this is my best shot at writing a half-way decent first-time-introductory-blogpost.

Or at least something remotely resembling that.

You already know my name by looking at the "about me" section on the sidebar. You've probably also figured out that I'm a Christian. For those like me - who can't rest while reading a new blog until they've determined the precise doctrinal views held by the author - I'm a Reformed Baptist, fully adhering to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. My church believes the same, for which I’ll always be grateful. The story of how my family came to be at our church, however, will have to wait for another post.

Technically, each member of my family has a blog, but I’m the only one who is currently posting on theirs. My dad is taking a hiatus due to heath issues; my mom merely created hers to post a video on the internet (I know, I know…); and my sister, well, honestly I think she forgot about hers. So, in order to keep at least one active blogger in the family, here I am. Those who bother to read my site can expect to find modest attempts at profundity, admiration of past authors, and accounts of the semi-normal daily life in my household.

Last year I participated in the Puritan Paperback Reading Challenge, and the benefits I gained from doing so are tremendous. So this year I’m celebrating Calvin’s 500th birthday by joining others in reading his Institutes. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me to learn!

So, having run out of things to say about myself (which feels kind of weird, anyway), I’ll let you go on your way through the blogosphere. But if my terrible writing skills and boring topics don’t scare you away, feel free to stick around.


  1. Sarah, this is the coolest blog ever!! Do you mind if I comment? :)

  2. Aww, Elizabeth, comments ruin everything!!! Just kidding. The more, the merrier! And thanks, I'm glad you like it here!

    The other day I got a certain package in the mail, and a little bird told me who was responsible for it getting there....Thanks SO much for the book! It's going to be really helpful - especially once the church library gets larger. Boy, you and Mary are really good at keeping secrets from me!
