
Thursday, March 12, 2009

What should be our attitude towards pleasure?

There are so many ideas about what pleasure really is, and what we should do about it. In the realm of philosophy, there's the Epicureans, who taught that our entire lives ought to be devoted to the pursuit of it. In religion, Buddhism teaches the opposite - the only way we can lead a fulfilling life is to loose ourselves from the clutches of pleasure and desire; if we don't want anything, we wont be disappointed when we don't receive it. But what is a balanced position?

As Christians, we need to begin by figuring out what righteous pleasure is. The Bible makes it clear for us: the only true, lasting, and fulfilling pleasure in existence is the pursuit of God. When God regenerates us, taking away our sin natures (a miracle in itself) and transforming them into new ones which seek to be more like Him, our desires and pleasures are also changed. Studying the Bible, praying, partaking in true fellowship with other Christians (not mere small talk, but worthwhile discussions about God and His work in our lives) become our pleasures. That isn't to say that everything else doesn't matter; these are simply what are most important to us. Plainly put, it comes down to this: Devote your life to the pursuit of the pleasures of God, and in the end you will be rewarded.

1 comment:

  1. Hey that reminds me of what I was reading this morning in Ecclesiastes (I saw that you were working through that so I thought I would start it so we could talk about it. hehe) and I came across this- "Follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes." Ecc. 11:9. And I was thinking "hmmm it can't be a good thing to follow the impulses of a human heart!" But reading what you just wrote I think it can be a good thing when your desires are for God. -Maddie
