
Sunday, September 20, 2009

2 Things.....

.....that stood out to me in the preaching at church today:
  1. The simple sections in the Bible explain the harder ones. For example, we would read one of the Gospels to help us understand Who the Suffering Servant is in Isaiah 53, not vice-versa. All too often - especially when it comes to the end times - people do the opposite. They take the passages in Daniel & Revelation (two of the hardest books to understand in the Bible) on eschatology and fit what they say into the rest of what Scripture has to say on the topic. It doesn't make sense.
  2. The Jewish leaders in the Gospels knew that Christ was from God. (John 3:2) The reason why they hated Him was because He was a threat to their power - many people were interested in His teaching, thus rejecting theirs. I can't imagine how you could justify killing GOD! Christ knew all this, yet He still asked God to forgive them while they were reviling Him as He hung on the cross! What a wondrous Savior we have!

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