
About Me

This blog primarily exists for my own entertainment. But on the off chance that there's a real person reading this besides Future Me, here's a little background on who I am:

I grew up in a Christian home and was converted at an early age. Around the time I was ten, my family went through several paradigm shifts and we emerged a Reformed Baptist, classical homeschooling experiment. During this time, I became particularly close with my dad, who began amassing a small library of theology books; I'd often sneak away from schoolwork to go talk to him about God, books, or the blog he had started. I credit most of the early inspiration for my own blog to him. Just before I started high school, he was diagnosed with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. He died six weeks before I started college.
Speaking of college, I hold a double major in English Literature and History from a small Lutheran liberal arts school. While there, I got the opportunity to study abroad at a Lutheran "house of theological studies" in Cambridge, UK. I then went on to earn a masters degree in English Literature from a Jesuit university back home, where I worked as a department editorial assistant. Although I'm currently not pursuing any further coursework, I try to maintain an active research ethic in my field of interest: sixteenth and seventeenth century English literature, with a particular focus on the early Baptist imagination.

During my senior year of college, I played hooky with my professors' blessing (do you know anyone that edgy?) in order to go to a church conference and ran into this guy one of my seminary friends had been telling me about. Despite our best efforts, we wound up getting married in 2018. The following spring, we moved from my hometown of Milwaukee, WI to Fargo, ND, where he is an ordained minister. Church life keeps us busy, but we both share a love for research and are interested in rediscovering early, out-of-print Particular Baptist texts. Maybe some of these will be reprinted in the near future?

As far as hobbies go, I've been known to travel with friends, usually recklessly. There have been moments in my life where thoughts like "live out of a purse for three weeks in Europe," and "drive the entire trip to Arizona nonstop" seemed like perfectly reasonable ideas. I've enjoyed introducing the trophy husband to this lifestyle. In my saner moments, I limit the exploring to just around town, taking advantage of whatever discounts come my way. Occasionally, I'll drop everything to go do something domestic like organizing the closets or cooking dinner. But in the end, my first love will always be reading. Homer, Plato, Cicero, Virgil, Livy, Augustine, Dante, Calvin, Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, the Puritans, Donne, Herbert, Austen, Keats, Wodehouse, Sayers; these people have all become a part of who I am.

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