
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Harvey Newcomb on Conversation

Make your influence felt in every circle in which you move, by directing conversation towards profitable subjects. The ability to converse is a talent put into our hands to cultivate for the glory of God; and we shall be called to account for the manner in which we improve it. To be able to converse well upon important subjects is an attainment worthy of great effort. And to give a right direction to the conversation of any circle in which we move, requires some skill, along with a spiritual and prayerful frame of mind. It is well, before going into company, to seek the aid of the Holy Spirit, that our social fellowship may be profitable both to ourselves and others. And, by imitating the example of the Savior, we may improve circumstances and occasions, to direct the conversation in which we engage towards profitable subjects. Endeavor, by your own conversation, to give the lie to the sentiment that ladies cannot be interested in anything but frivolous chit-chat.

(The Young
Lady's Guide, pp. 244-245)

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