
Thursday, May 21, 2009

An *almost* pointless post

Maddie & I decided to ditch A Vindication of the Rights of Women as, well, 1. We have short attention spans, 2. It's too hard (said in a tone of voice equivalent to that of a 7 year old who doesn't want to learn about fractions) and 3. ummm, this should probably be a mature and intelligent reason but I guess I don't have one. Se la vie. (Hey Maddie, there's some French for you!) So now we're going to try our hand(s) at Animal Farm by George Orwell. We are determined to not let talking pigs named Napoleon scare us away. So if you see a crazy post about the aforesaid character next week, well, you were warned.

Now I forgot what I was going to say next. Errrrggg. I'll blame it on Algebra. Ummmm.....oh yeah. If you truly take seriously some of the posts I've put here on not wasting your time, then don't go to this link. However, if I really didn't want you to go there, well, I wouldn't have posted that link, now would I? The site place is ADDICTING! Or maybe I'm easily amused. *grin*


  1. I love the reasons for quitting vrw! Animal farm should be easier and out posts on it will be much more amusing to read and write. :)

    And I really don't get that site you linked to. I would agree that this post was almost completely pointless except to inform people of our commitment issues. :D

  2. Yes, Red, we need to work on our commitment skills....sigh....I need to stop being committed to being uncommitted. How bout that? :P

    That site is a bunch of pointless games. Yeah, I haven't figured them all out, but some of them are pretty dangerous for people with OCD..ha


  3. wow sarah, that site was um, *interesting*... :) Totally addicting!!

    I'm glad to here you guys ditched vrw...that sounded way too hard for my simple mind at least. I am totally impressed you got that far.......but then seeing as its you guys.....maybe I should be shocked you didn't get any further!!! ;D

  4. Hahaha!!!! Callie, you crack me up!
