
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Common Sense - The Reshaping and Redefining of America

I think the guy's great, but there are 3 things I don't like about Glenn Beck:
  1. He's a little apocalyptic. As I said before, it's a non sequitur to state that because America is in an economic recession and we have a liberal president in office, we're on the brink of destruction. Not every crisis has an ugly conclusion. Of course, the 5th century Romans didn't have much to look forward to, but it's dangerous to adopt chronic pessimism when it comes to politics.
  2. He occasionally makes unrealistic generalizations. I hardly believe that there are nearly as many Americans disillusioned with the system as he surmises. The ironic truth is, humans have a tendency to be apathetic when it comes to big issues. Take abortion for instance: There's only a minority of citizens who are polemical about it. The rest don't give the matter much thought.
  3. He's prone to president-bashing. Sure, I don't have any plans on joining an Obama fan club any time soon either. But there's a difference between disagreeing with the man's bad policies and dwelling on them. The book of Romans entreats us to live in respect and subjection to our rulers. And who was the audience that it was adressed to? The Christians living under Nero!
All that aside, there are many things I do like about Glenn Beck - his message, humor, etc. He is passionate about bringing America back to the values it was founded upon.

He's right about our government being out of control.

Our leaders repeatedly demonstrate selfishness in their policies. Its more important for them to create an America based on their ideologies than do what's best for the common man. Both Republicans and Democrats do this, and it seems like the middle class often gets the short end of the stick.

I find it ironic that America, being a democracy, is all about making government accessible to the common man. But nowadays we're falling into the same age old trap as many other governments have - you have to be rich if you want to land a seat in the Senate. We're slowly on our way to becoming an oligarchy.

The government is also begining to expand far too much into the personal lives of us Americans. Who cares how your kids are educated, as long as they get a good education! We shouldn't be expected to tone down our religion just because it may be offensive to others. And it isn't the government's job to decide what kind of health insurance everybody gets. I find it insulting that the government treats us citizens like morons who can't make a rational decision for ourselves.

I said that it doesnt follow that America will likely be ruined because of our country's present state of affairs. But if we do merely watch everything happen, without taking a responsible part in our government, we very well could be. We should thank God for giving us a free country, and be wise stewards of His gift.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Sarah! I totally forgot about the Junto thing. Maybe I should go pick up Common Sense again and get going. :)

    I like the point you made about respecting leaders because I have been thinking about that a lot lately. I just read this awesome Bible verse today and it applies to this. "Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bond-slaves of God. Honor all men; love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king." 1 Peter 2:12 Except we would substitute president here but same thing.

    I heard an interesting thing on Rush Limbaugh this afternoon. Sarah Palin is coming out with a new book and it is already one of the best sellers at Amazon and B&N and its not even in print yet!!! He said there are many conservative "stars" out there but where are the liberal stars? I don't see any liberals writing best sellers or hosting a much-listened-to talk show!! I think there are more conservatives out there than we think. All we need is some political action to get some of those bozos out of Congress!!

    So anyway thanks for the post. I'll try and get a Junto post up soon! -Maddie
