
Monday, November 30, 2009


Maddie & I have decided to get back on track with the Junto. We're going to turn over a new leaf (pun not intended...maybe) and begin reading Villette by Charlotte Bronte. Maddie assures me that it isn't all sappiness like some of the other Bronte books I've read....


Yeah, yeah, I'm the biggest slacker on earth with the Junto, which is rendered more heinous when you consider the fact that I'm the co-reviver of this endeavor. Oh well. This time, however, I promise, cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye that I'll keep up with this one. (By the way, who's the weirdo that came up with that phrase?) Maybe I'll still write about Common Sense from time to time. We'll see.

Many people claim that Bronte based this book off her own experience as a governess in Belgium. But they also say the same of her other book, The Professor. I guess I'll have to read both and find out for myself. :-)

Villette was published in 1853. Here's some events of the year that I found interesting:
  • March 5th - Howard Pyle, who wrote famous versions of Robin Hood and King Arthur, was born
  • March 30th - Vincent van Gogh was born
  • Millard Filmore & James Pierce were Presidents
  • Charles Dickens published Bleak House
I know, I know, this is probably the lamest introduction post for a book....ever.....but as this is a novel, I didn't want to do too much studying before I read the book in case it'd spoil the plot for me. Don't you hate it when that happens?

We're going to try and do a Junto post every Monday, so (hopefully...ha) I'll write more next week!

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