
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dear blog, I haven't forgotten you...

....summer projects have been taking up my time. For the past 2 weeks or so we've been completely re-doing a back room in our house and it's finally starting to shape up. {Nota Bene - don't ever assume wallpaper simply glides off drywall. Reality is quite the opposite.....}

Dolce far Niente by John Waterhouse
I've been meaning to post more about The Warden but it's been difficult to get to. As this is the case, I think I'll just finish the book and post about it when I'm done. Is it just this book or do Anthony Trollope's stories have really sloooowww beginnings? I heard he and Dickens were similar writers, but so far, they seem incredibly different. Dickens usually grabs my attention right away.

Since summer's here, I've made a list of books I'd like to try reading before school starts up again. The Lord of the Rings, The Twelve Caesars, Five Cities That Ruled the World, Living for God's Glory, and Anne Dutton's Autobiography are some that I'm really excited about. Hopefully I'll be able to pull it off!

I hope yours is a relaxing summer!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I totally understand the drudgery of wallpaper removal. UGH! NEVER AGAIN!!!!! We are off to the library in like 5 minutes and I was planning to get the Until We Have Faces book. Even if we don't do it for Junto, I still want to read it! Ok, see you tonight, girly!
    love, Maddie
