
Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer Miscellanies

  1. A few days ago, I discovered the new stats tab on my blogger dashboard. Whoa, is it fun. In the past month, my brilliant blog had somewhere around 40 page views. And half were me. I know, TRAFFIC OVERLOAD.....
    There's 2 nice things about having an unread blog: a. You don't have to worry about what everyone thinks of what you say, and b. having a popularity complex is a problem you won't be dealing with for a while.....
  2. It's very difficult to get algae out of swimming pools.
  3. Maddie was over at my house on Saturday, and being the nerdy duo that we are, we went to Half Price Books. There, I spotted a couple of sets of books put out by one of the coolest publishers in the whole entire world. Every single book of theirs is a work of art. So are their prices. Ah well.
  4. The best summer project, a la Jonathan Edwards: "Resolved, to strive to my utmost every week to be brought higher in religion, and to a higher exercise of grace, than I was the week before."
  5. Ok, only nerds like me will appreciate this one. The other day I came across an article about a painting I've often seen of Ophelia from Hamlet. Apparently, a lady found the exact location of the setting the artist painted. Wow.

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