
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Travelling, ect.

Last week I was in Illinois with my mom for a conference and this week I'll be up north visiting relatives. Therefore the lack of posting around here. It'll be a nice way to relax before school starts again. (What happened to this summer?)

At the conference, we heard Susan Wise Bauer speak, and she mentioned that highschoolers ought to do 2 essay/papers/some-type-of-assignment-that-has-an-opinion a week, so maybe I'll make one a blog post. A desperate attempt to keep blogging, I know. There's weeks where you're on a roll, full of ideas to write about, and there's others where you feel totally uninspired. I guess the only way to remedy that is to keep practicing writing.

Speaking of school, this year I'm studying Renaissance-Enlightenment history/great books/etc. Totally excited. The Renaissance/Reformation era is one of my favorites. Yes, the former was full of humanism and earthly-mindedness, but without it, the latter couldn't have survived. One of the things I soon began to appreciate when we started homeschooling was how we studied secular and church history simultaneously. (i.e., the King Ahasuerus whom Esther married was quite possibly the Xerxes who was involved in the Greek-Persian Wars)

Anyways, I hope to get some nice pictures while I'm gone (I got a new camera!), so if any are good, maybe I'll post some when I get back.

To close, wisdom from my favorite author:
Accustom yourselves to holy thoughts. Serious meditation represents everything in its true color. It shows the evil of sin, and the luster of grace. By holy thoughts, the head grows clearer and the heart better: "I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto your testimonies" (Psalm 119:59). If men would step aside a little out of the noise and hurry of business, and spend only half-an-hour every day thinking about their souls and eternity, it would produce a wonderful alteration in them! (Thomas Watson)

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