
Thursday, September 16, 2010


My delphinium earlier this summer. I love that plant.
  1. So today I was going on my merry way down the freeway, when all the sudden, this person forgot that when you merge, you don't have the right of way. After forcing me out of my lane and nearly creating the worst car accident in world history, the aforesaid driver proceeded to swear/display ungenteel hand signals/etc at yours truly. Now you're probably thinking I'd better get a life/toughen up for making such a big deal about the fiasco, well maybe you're right, but the story gets rather funny. Before I got off the freeway, we saw up ahead that the driver took the same exit as we normally do. As it turns out, they ended up driving down the very street we live on.
    I've never stalked somebody before (really, I haven't), but we had a pretty good time guessing what that driver was thinking as they probably thought that's what I was doing. As they turned down a side street near my house, I was quite tempted to go drive through my neighborhood looking for any black SUV's parked in driveways, but I decided against it. It'd be slightly awkward if they recognized me. :-)
  2. I remember mentioning that I planned to post more on here as I could count it as writing assignments for school. Well, the topics I came up with are incredibly boring, even for this blog. How exactly do you make an explanation for why the Renaissance started in Italy engaging? Anyways, speaking of posting on here, Maddie & I were collaborating about possible Junto books, and I think a decision will be anounced soon. (Because I know all 4 of my readers are dying to know)
  3. Right now my family is watching some movie where a doll comes to life and goes around killing people. Did the writers REALLY think we'd find it believable that this little toy could inflict that much damage? Besides, aren't there other movies with similar cheesy, rabid dolls? They always have stupid women, uncannily smart four year olds, and dolls that appear to die by burning in the end, but later return in sequals. (Ok, now this movie is reminding me of Terminator) LAME. Why is my family still watching this?
  4. Lately the weather has become very fall-ish. The days are clear and windy, the temperatures are cooler, and the leaves are changing. September is one of the best months in Wisconsin, if you ask me. I think it's high time for a corn maze and bonfire. I remember one corn maze we went to that was shaped like the logo of the Green Bay Packers. I know, I know.........
  5. Food for thought, a la Jonathan Edwards (I love this theologian): "Religion, in its purity, is not so much a pursuit as a temper; or rather it is a temper, leading to the pursuit of all that is high and holy. Its foundation is faith; its action, works; its temper, holiness; its aim, obedience to God in improvement of self, and benevolence to men."

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