
Friday, January 2, 2015

Time travelling

Somehow, six years have gone by since I began blogging. How the heck did that happen? When I first started, my dad had just stopped writing on his own blog, and I was still very influenced by his site. It's weird to think I've now been at it for twice the amount of time he was. It seemed longer than three years.

On my flight back to Milwaukee today, I was reading Carl Trueman's The Creedal Imperative, and he referenced the last question of the Heidelberg Catechism. Said catechism has been sneakily becoming my favorite (as much as I appreciate the invaluable doctrinal precision of the Westminster). In what is probably an embarrassing confession to make following the previous sentence, I have never actually read the whole thing, and was shocked by how lovely the last question is:
129 Q. What does that little word "Amen" express? 
A. Amen means, This is sure to be! It is even more sure that God listens to my prayer, than that I really desire what I pray for.
 (Isa. 65:24; 2 Cor. 1:20; 2 Tim. 2:13)
At the crossroads of an old and new year, I want to fix this last question in my memory, as I did with the first several years ago. These bookends of the catechism echo what has been on my mind at the close and opening of a time of my life. God will always provide for His children in ways we can never imagine on our own.

Finally, with English shenanigans approaching in a matter of days, I am contemplating the unthinkable and debating whether to share this jolly old blog with my extremely wide and adoring sphere of acquaintances living in the Facebook. The upside is my minions friends and family will have a place to creep on my adventures in detail. The downside is that I will now have to be responsible for what I say. Decisions like these are the times that try men's souls.

And now I'm late to meet up with Maddie. Signing off. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone.

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