
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Roadtripping (part 1)

If thou be'st born to strange sights,
    Things invisible to see,
Ride ten thousand days and nights,
   Till age snow white hairs on thee,
Thou, when thou returnest, wilt tell me
All strange wonders that befell thee.

John Donne
As if running around Europe weren't enough excitement for one year, I took the natural course of action and planned two back-to-back roadtrips a month after getting home. What can I say? I'm 1/4 Bohemian. Gypsies and stuff. Anyways.

Trip #1: Arizona.

Three of us from my church and the one who planted us drove out to Flagstaff for a Reformed Baptist young adult conference. Got to see Drs. Jim Renihan & James White speak, so it was pretty much Disneyland for theology nerds. Ironically, the highlight of the trip was reconnecting with my soulmate friend Savannah on the drive to and from AZ. We are basically the same person, and have lived an hour and a half away from each other this whole time. Even before it was over, I knew this was one of my favorite trips....ever. Got to meet 130 other young Reformed Baptists, saw the gorgeousness that is the Southwest, and talked theology almost the whole 24-hour drive. It does not get much better.

A big group of us caravaned out to the Grand Canyon and climbed
out onto this cliff. Being Reformed Baptists, we proceeded to have a hymn sing.

Daniel third-wheeling it
Sunrise over the Grand Canyon
My mother failed to see the humor in this picture

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