
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A belated birthday notice

January 9th was the 300th birthday of Sarah Edwards, one of my favorite women in history. She was married to Jonathan Edwards, who is considered to be the greatest American theologian. As they say, behind every great man there's a great woman, and this case is no exception! Witty, intelligent, discreet, gracious and godly, she was exactly the kind of wife the contemplative man needed. Obviously he noticed it too, writing his famous quote about her before they were married, and on his deathbed, he described their marriage as "an uncommon union." I love reading about their relationship.

If anyone's interested in learning more about Mrs. Edwards, I highly recommend
this book. As it's written by a secular author, there is a bit of a feminist spin to the writing, but it doesn't substantially detract from the book. Reading this book will always inspire me to imitate her godly character as a young girl and to one day be a wife that is a true helper to her husband. Without Sarah, Jonathan Edwards may not have been able to do for his country what he did.
Something amazing the aforesaid book mentions - by 1900, the Edwards family included 13 college presidents, a plethora of lawyers, deans of medical and law schools, 3 senators, a controller of the U.S. treasury, and a U.S. Vice President.

So, although I'm 4 days late in mentioning this, it's better late than never. These past three hundred years in America turned out the way they did because of this relatively unknown lady. Who knows which of us today will be this influential 300 years from now?

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