
Saturday, April 24, 2010


On three unrelated notes...
  1. Sorry about falling off the face of the blogosphere. In the past few weeks I was busy planning a surprise party for Callie (which turned out great!), racing to try to end the school year well, helping out with errands and such while tax season plagued my mom, and then there was the death of an old friend of the family. So next week, I'll try to return to my regularly unscheduled blogging. I promise to write a Junto post. :D
  2. Do you ever associate books (particularly fiction) with seasons? With spring here, all I can think about is Robin Hood. Summer would get The Odyssey and Fall, Persuasion. Not sure about winter.....anything depressing I guess (Wuthering Heights?).
  3. This has me almost as giddy as a 12 year old girl who's won tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. I can't wait till it comes out!


  1. HAHA! I love how you associate books with seasons! So awesome.
    So I've been trying to work on the "about me" page on my blog and it's harder to write about myself than I thought! HAHA! btw- did you see that coie updated her about me page on her blog? Her pics are SO cute!!!! <3 -MJ

  2. oh wow! I just realized you change you blog around a little!!! It's blog-a-licious ;D

  3. Maddie - right after I read your comment, I raced to her blog to see! I wish she'd post more. :D

    Rachel - don't hate. :P
    (P.S. do you like the look or is it weird?)
