
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Reverting back to my old ways

In which I return to the blog with this startling bit of self-awareness:
I need a party or something. The thing that tells me this is that I have no desire to have a party. It's disturbingly similar to the fabulous old homeschooling days, when I thrived on weeks with little-to-no human interaction, because books.
A few things on my mind which I expect nobody will care about except me. But this is my blog and I can do what I want with it and you can just stop reading if you're bored. Ahaahahaha.
  1. Being the devoted contrarian that I am, I've spent the last year or so hiding out in the Alamo of Sarah's Mind, pretending not to care about Housewife Theologian. I've always lived in horror of becoming that freakishly-domestic girl who obsesses over books on how to be a good wife as a way of dealing with her lack of husband. It's always seemed....pathetic. Anyways, despite all my best efforts, the more I read by Aimee Byrd, the more I like her. Dare I say kindred spirit? Too late, I just did. Going to have to ironically give her book a shot in the midst of all my single glory.
  2. In my literary criticism class, our final project is a paper/presentation demonstrating our own literary theory as inspired by the sources we have read. The idea is to generate a writing sample for grad school. It looks like mine is going to be some kind of synthesis of the Chicago School (think Mortimer Adler and the Great Books) and Tolstoy's What is Art? Along the way, we have to refute/interact with those who would oppose our ideas (I have no idea how we'll pull this off in just 10-pages). Anyways, this ties into some ideas for posts that I've been keeping on the backburner for quite a while now. Ever since I started college, I've been struck by the lack of attention the conservative Reformed world gives to the arts. I get why, but I think it's also a valid forum for discussion, and it's something I'd like to focus on in my own career. So I'm foreseeing some of this project appearing on the blog as I write.
  3. This one I'm kind of shocked I haven't mentioned yet: In 9 weeks, I fly out to England to study in Cambridge for the semester. Time is starting to move unsettlingly quickly. It's weird to be so close to something you've dreamed about doing for so long. What a time to be alive.

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