
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Great literature

A while back I found this story I wrote from 5th grade - back in the day when writing class was the bane of my existence. Ha.
Once there was this old woman who was a grandma and she was the type that drove REALLY slowly, and that people would honk at. So, one day she sent her favorite granddaughter a set of her favorite book series. Since she was old, she forgot to put any clue of who it was from on the package.

When her grandaughter got it, she got really excited and went straight to her sunny bedroom to read her new books. Two days later, she realized that she should send a thank-you note to the person who sent it. So, since she had saved the package, she began to look for any identification.

Since there was none, she was really confused because she couldn't tell who it was from. (She was only 11 1/2 and 22 days old so it wasn't like she was an agent from the FBI or CIA or something, though she was pretty bright. For a blond.) One day Granny decided to come over for a visit. On her way on the 35 mph road, she was going at like 2mph so tons of people were honking and skipping her. Man, was she s-l-o-w! When she finally got there, Martha, (her granddaughter,) ran to the door to greet her. When she asked her how she liked the books she sent her, Martha realized that it was her grandmother who gave her the books and told her about them. And, as usual, they lived happily ever after. The end.
 I know, this ought to be admitted into the short stories section of the Great Books canon.

3 Observations -
  1. This is back in the day when I was strangely obsessed with frumpy really old fashioned names. Who the heck has been named Martha after 1990?!?! No offense to anyone who is. Cough.
  2. The main character (the aforesaid Martha) eerily resembles myself at the date of "publication" - yours truly was

    • 11 1/2 (not sure about the 22 days), 
    • liked to read and was obsessed with the Mandie series, 
    • always wanted a "sunny bedroom," 
    • probably would disappear for several days upon receiving a box full of books, 
    • saved packaging from presents,
    • had blond hair, 
    • and I still have a problem with getting thank-you notes to people.
    • Wow. I had forgotten about how sarcastic I was.
    Anyways, I also used my magnificent artistic skills and illustrated my story.....

    Granny's wrinkles sort of look like cut marks. That'd be sort of weird to have an emo grandmother.......

    Martha seems to be missing a leg. I wonder how that happened.

    Ahh, the discoveries made from the past.

    1 comment:

    1. "She was only 11 1/2 and 22 days old so it wasn't like she was an agent from the FBI or CIA or something, though she was pretty bright. For a blond." ahhh Sarah, you make me laugh.
