
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I recant...

...what I said earlier on about the next Junto book.

Maddie & I were really excited about Quo Vadis when we first decided to try it. But then we started reading it. It isn't overwhelmingly interesting and seems a little odd. Maybe it will turn out to be a great book, but we'd rather do a book that we're confident will be good. So we've changed our literary choice again. :-)

The current book is now The Warden by Anthony Trollope. From what I've read, it's the story of a minister, named Septimus Harding,  who is in charge of a charity in town. A newcomer to the area becomes suspicious of how the warden is managing the tithes he receives, and sets out to put everything to right. The only thing that keeps him from outright condemning the minister, however, is that he likes Mr. Harding's daughter! What a predicament!

The book is the first in a series of six chronicling the lives of the people living in the area, but for now we're just going to stick to reading the first - it's pretty short (just over 200 pages) so we're going to read it in the month of April.

Well, I've got to run......I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely spring weather!


  1. I just got the book from the library today so I'll start it either tonight or tomorrow. Can't wait, it sounds pretty good/interesting! Also- I absolutely LOVE your new blog look!!! It's just marvelous! did you make the heading yourself? It's awesome! -Maddie

  2. Hi, it's me again. I just LOVE your "about me" and "whats the junto"!!! Do you think we should link the junto buttons to that page? I'll go do it right now. :D

  3. Why thank you, Maddie my dear! I had fun writing them. :D And that's a good idea about the Junto link! I'll set about to the same thing myself.

    So you like my remodeling job here? Good! Blogger has all these spiffy new templates time I see you, I'll show you how to do it (if you want to try it out on your blog). And yeah, the heading is my handiwork. Almost everything on it is stolen from pictures in books on Google Books. Ha.
