
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New books

Lately I got some cool new books, so I thought I'd tell whoever reads this about them.

First off, there's The Young Lady's Counselor. The subtitle is "The Sphere, Duty, and Dangers of Young Women," which pretty much sells itself. It kind of reminds me of one of my favorite books for girls, The Young Lady's Guide, but I like reading about the same topic from a different perspective.

Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes

This is one of the books I mentioned last month that I had my eye on. I've been reading parts of it and it looks really good! The one thing that threw me off is that it only covers books 1-3 of the Institutes, and I can't find anything talking about the 4th. I guess I'll find out as I read. Anyways, this is a really interesting and informative work that I'm looking forward to reading more of.

John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, and Doxology

This book seems to take on an all-encompassing approach to Calvin, as its subtitle suggests. There's parts on his life, his work, and his theology. I haven't been able to read much in here, but it looks very promising. It seems like it would be a good introduction to Calvin.

Advice to a Young Christian

This book seems to be an awesome find! Its a series of letters addressing various aspects of a young Christian's walk. Each chapter is only like 4 or 5 pages long, which makes it perfect for those times when you have 10 or 15 minutes with nothing to do. (And for those who, like me, have a rather short attention span, {grin} it's easier to keep up.) This would also make a good book to read during your devotions each morning - short enough where you dont spend the morning reading, but deep enough to give you something to think about for the rest of the day.

Lectures to Young People

This seems to be following the same lines that the book above is on, but each chapter is longer. I have another book by the same author, which I've blogged on before, called Letters to a Daughter on Practical Subjects. I think these were originally sermons - each one has a text from Scripture - which is nice because not only are you learning a lesson from what you read, you're also gaining a better understanding of what that particular Scripture is saying.

Well, that's it. As I read these, I'll try to blog about what I learn.


  1. These look great! I have been meaning to ask you, where do you get books like these? I was standing in your room looking up to your tall collection of books and thinking to myself "where in the world does she get all of these?" LOL! btw- Do you own that book "The best things in life" by Peter Kreeft? If so, can I borrow it some time? -Maddie

  2. Maddie-

    1. Those books are from all over. Some are from Amazon, but most of the Christian books are from either of these sites:

    Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service -

    Reformation Heritage Books -

    Westminster Bookstore -

    If you EVER want to borrow one, just tell me. What's the use of having a bunch of books if you're the only one who benefits from them?

    2. Yeah, I have it. I'll bring it when I see you on Friday, ok? Its really good, so will you promise to give it back? :P
