
Monday, February 9, 2009

This is pretty convicting

J.R. Miller is really good at making me want more sanctification!
The motto - always do your best - should be applied to everything we do. A man who had risen from a very humble beginning to distinction, even to great eminence, when asked the secret of his successful life, said he had always sought to do his best in everything he undertook, summoning the best thought, the finest skill, the greatest energy, of which he was capable, to every piece of work he was doing. He demanded of himself too, that today's best should always be better than yesterday's.

It were well for us if we would all make and follow inflexibly such a rule as this. No most trivial thing should we ever do carelessly. All work is for God, and it is sacrilege to do anything for Him in a slovenly, negligent manner. It is a desecration to put marred or careless work on any block we carve for God's temple. The workmen on the old cathedrals wrought as conscientiously and as perfectly on the parts of the building which would be high up, far out of human sight, as on the altar-rail or the carvings of the great doors which every eye should see and admire.

When a heathen artist was asked why he took so much pains with the back of the figures he was chiseling, since they would be against the walls and no one would ever see them, his noble answer was, "The gods will see them." Always we are working for God's eye, and should ever do our best.

(Young People's Problems, pp. 160-161)

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