
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Um, wow....I didn't know I could do this

I've done a lot of stupid things in my lifetime, but this most recent one probably makes the top ten.

Like a good, dutiful daughter, (cough) I was doing the dishes tonight, and being the brilliant genius that I am, decided to save space by stacking up the cups. Bad idea.

So I went on my merry way, congratulating myself on how efficient I am while I was doing the aforesaid dishes, when I came to the two last cups in the stack. Here I realized something was wrong. The cups were stuck together. And not your ordinary, sorta-stuck, which can be easily made un-stuck, these were more adhered to each other than if there were glue and/or nails involved.

I tried pulling them apart as hard as I could, but had to stop because I was afraid something would break - either the glass or my wrist. I tried puting them through cold water. Nope. The thought occurred to me that I could try butter, but the only way I could get the butter in between the cups would be to pull them apart, and if I did that, I wouldn't need the butter, now would I?

I never thought my home-making abilities, as pitiful as they are, were quite this bad. Does this happen to anybody else, or am I just a sorry excuse for a girl? Only boys do this kind of thing! So I am now humbly entreating my 3 readers to tell me what they think I should do. My mom thinks the cups should be thrown out. I however, want to wait overnight to see what happens. Isn't there one of Newton's laws saying that for every motion there is an equal and opposite motion too? Or something like that? Or am I just crazy, like I've already demonstrated with the cups?

Well, I guess I'll see whether there are any new developements when I get up tomorrow.

Boy oh boy. My poor mom. She's a pretty nice lady. How'd she end up with a daughter like me?


  1. Wow, this is a problem. Yes, things like that happen to me too. Sorry I really don't have any great suggestions, but since your mom wants to throw them out, if all else fails, you could always break one of them and then restore the other one.

  2. LOL!!!! Sarah, your the best!!!!!

  3. SARAH!! YOU ARE SO FUNNY! Why don't you just keep the cups and drink out of the top one like a normal cup? Unless the inside of the bottom one is dirty... It would be like a new cup design! haha. make me one!-Maddie

  4. That is really funny, because my mom just did something similar to that. And yes, I was around, but no, I didn't stop her. I was a dutiful obedient daughter. :) She was going to put a ham roast in the crockpot over night, but because it had so much fat on it, she wanted to keep the meat higher than the melting fat as it cooked, so it wasn't really greasy. So she grabbed one of our Cornelle bowls (if you don't recognize Cornelle, that's okay, it is just a brand of dishes) and put it updside down in the bottom. Worked wonderfully. The meat was delicious. But...we did want to take the bowl out of the crockpot, which caused some trouble. When we put the bowl down, the bottom of the crockpot was room-temperature and dry. Somehow a vaccuum was created (that's my opinion) and it couldn't be wedged. We tried letting it cool, soaking it in vinegar, and lots of stuff. Finally last Saturday we had a game night, and mom thought that since we had a chemistry teacher in our midst that he might have a go at it. I don't know if he tried or not, but another guy (Mr. Hayworth, for those of you who know him) walked up to it, and moved it with his finger! Or so the story goes. I wasn't a witness. I was playing games in the other room with my friends.
    But for your plight...were the glasses hot when you stuck them together? Maybe if you put them in very hot (not hot enough to burn, just hot) water, or really cold water, or back and forth, or something like that. That's all I can think of. I've never taken chemistry (well, the first three chapters, after that I got lost) so I don't have too many suggestions. But don't feel bad, everybody does rather silly things sometimes. I doubt that a mother ever had a daughter who didn't.

  5. Sarah,

    This was really unfortunate of you. If I had ever done dishes, even a single time, in my whole 41 years of life, I'm sure I would have NEVER done something as horrible as this. Especially considering that the dishes pictured were given to me by my great great great grandfather as he lay dying during the great war (with the Vikings, not the European ones but the Minnesota ones). He said to me, in his last words, he said - son, do what ever you want in life, just make sure these dishes don't get ruined by getting stuck together. Tearfully, I made him that promise, on his death bed, and now you've ruined everything! But . . . it's ok, I'm sure I'll get over it . . . someday . . . maybe. It's just that, your mother and I expected much MUCH more from you than this. That's why we passed by buying a dish washer, and had you instead, thinking that you would do a better job than a machine. It was the whole reason we had you, but hey - everyone is entitled to a mistake sometimes. You just made your's with these precious family heirlooms, that's all. We can't fault you for that. Huh? What mom? Oh, your mother says we CAN fault you for that after all, and that a bill is in the mail for the cost of these cups, which are genuine petrified pewter plastic imported from Saskatchewan Tennessee, and handcrafted by a glass blower named Frank, in a small shop behind Denney's. I'm afraid the bill will be a little bit much for you, but we'll allow you to work it off, by doing more dishes. That, plus not going to college should more than cover the price of the cups. Anyway, did I answer the question you were asking in this post? I hope I did, and built up your self-esteem along the way. After all, what are dad's for? Love ya my little puddin-snack cake. --Pops
